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MY FAVORITE VINES PT.2 (these definitely aren't relevant anymore) REUPLOAD

205 Views • 04 October 2017
Deen Doughouz
Deen Doughouz
105,776 Subscribers

EDIT: so YouTube deleted this video because of their pussy ass guidelines so I had to reupload it, let's hope they don't do it again (I'm suing)

IGHT, so first of all I want to apologise because there's a random fucking transition thrown in there and one of the videos repeats, idk why ( I do know why it's because I fucked up while editing and couldn't be bothered to fix it once I realised) I'm sure somebody will point it out in the comments anyway.

SECONDLY, I think a couple of these may have been in part 1, but sue me bitch.
(also that intro is such shitty quality but i cant be bothered to fix it, YOU CAN STILL READ IT HUNTY)


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