Log Horizon Abridged Episode 1 (#TIBA)
Hey guys, sorry for the late upload we had issues recovering the file after submitting it to TFS for the #TIBA contest.
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Opening song: Emperor's New Clothes - Panic! At the Disco
Director and Writing Assistant - Phattony92
Assistant Director and Writer - Richie Roberts
Editor - BlueDrakmaVA
Editing Advisor - SirChronocide
Shiroe - Robotfan987
Naotsugu - Xanauzumaki
Akatsuki & Marielle - Lennon Drake
Menu-Sama - Richie Roberts
Henrietta - Lalelaida
Shoryu - BlueDrakmaVA
Krohitsubitte - Photoshop work
Ending slate music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnSxJbiywUk
Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/PhatDogStudios
Merch: https://streamlabs.com/PhatDogStudios/merch
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#LogHorizon #Abridged #PhatDogStudios #Parody #TIBA
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