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Massive stars fuse heavier elements in their cores than lower mass stars. This leads to the creation of heavier elements up to iron. Iron robs critical energy from the core, causing it to collapse. The shock wave, together with a huge swarm of neutrinos, blast through the star’s outer layers, causing it to explode. The resulting supernova creates even more heavy elements, scattering them through space. Also, happily, we’re in no danger from a nearby supernova.
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Table of Contents
Massive Stars Fuse Heavier Elements Up To Iron 1:15
Iron Uses High Amounts of Energy, Thus Making Stars Collapse 3:58
The Resulting Supernova Creates Even Heavier Elements 10:00
Relax, Something Else Will Kill You 9:04
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Blowing Bubbles http://chandra.harvard.edu/res....ources/animations/pn [credit: NASA/CXC/April Jubett]
The Sizes of Stars http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1030c/ [credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser]
Red giants https://commons.wikimedia.org/....wiki/File:Redgiants. [credit: Wikimedia Commons]
Alpha Orionis http://imgsrc.hubblesite.org/h....u/db/images/hs-1996- [credit: A. Dupree (CfA), NASA, ESA]
Sun and VY Canis Majoris https://commons.wikimedia.org/....wiki/File:Sun_and_VY [credit: Wikimedia Commons]
Witch Head Nebula and Rigel http://www.deepskycolors.com/a....rchive/2009/11/16/wi [credit: Rogelio Bernal Andreo]
Layers of a massive star https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/....User:FT2/scc#/media/ [credit: Wikimedia Commons]
NASA's Swift Reveals New Phenomenon in a Neutron Star http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pa....ges/swift/bursts/new [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
What is a black hole? http://www.nasa.gov/audience/f....orstudents/k-4/stori [credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss]
The Death of Stars http://www.spacetelescope.org/....videos/hubblecast52a [credit: ESA/Hubble]
Giant Mosaic of the Crab Nebula http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia..../imagegallery/image_ [credit: NASA, ESA, J. Hester (Arizona State University)]
Hubble and Chandra spot a celestial bauble http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1018b/ [credit: NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), and NASA/CXC/SAO/J. Hughes]
Vela Supernova Remnant http://www.glitteringlights.co....m/Images/Nebulae/i-p [credit: Marco Lorenzi]
Spica [credit: Phil Plait]
Cassiopeia A https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/....Cassiopeia_A#/media/ [credit: Oliver Krause (Steward Observatory) George H. Rieke (Steward Observatory) Stephan M. Birkmann (Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie) Emeric Le Floc'h (Steward Observatory) Karl D. Gordon (Steward Observatory) Eiichi Egami (Steward Observatory) John Bieging (Steward Observatory) John P. Hughes (Rutgers University) Erick Young (Steward Observatory) Joannah L. Hinz (Steward Observatory) Sascha P. Quanz (Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie) Dean C. Hines (Space Science Institute)]
Sloshing Supernova http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-b....in/details.cgi?aid=1 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Video and images courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech]
Star Burst http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-b....in/details.cgi?aid=1 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Video courtesy of ESA/Hubble/L. Calcada]

Lecture I in my Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories series from May 16th at Isabel Bader Theatre in Toronto. In this lecture, I describe what I consider to be the idea of God, which is at least partly the notion of sovereignty and power, divorced from any concrete sovereign or particular, individual person of power. I also suggest that God, as Father, is something akin to the spirit or pattern inherent in the human hierarchy of authority, which is based in turn on the dominance hierarchies characterizing animals.
Q & A Starts: 1:57:25
Producer Credit and thanks to the following $200/month Patreon supporters. Without such support, this series would not have happened: Adam Clarke, Alexander Meckhai’el Beraeros, Andy Baker, Arden C. Armstrong, Badr Amari, BC, Ben Baker, Benjamin Cracknell, Brandon Yates, Chad Grills, Chris Martakis, Christopher Ballew, Craig Morrison, Daljeet Singh, Damian Fink, Dan Gaylinn, Daren Connel, David Johnson, David Tien, Donald Mitchell, Eleftheria Libertatem, Enrico Lejaru, George Diaz, GeorgeB, Holly Lindquist, Ian Trick, James Bradley, James N. Daniel, III, Jan Schanek, Jason R. Ferenc, Jesse Michalak, Joe Cairns, Joel Kurth, John Woolley, Johnny Vinje, Julie Byrne, Keith Jones, Kevin Fallon, Kevin Patrick McSurdy, Kevin Van Eekeren, Kristina Ripka, Louise Parberry, Matt Karamazov, Matt Sattler, Mayor Berkowitz , Michael Thiele, Nathan Claus, Nick Swenson , Patricia Newman, Pisit Mongkolsiriwattana, Robb Kelley, Robin Otto, Ryan Kane, Sabish Balan, Salman Alsabah, Scott Carter, Sean C., Sean Magin, Sebastian Thaci, Shiqi Hu, Soheil Daftarian, Srdan Pavlovic, Starting Ideas, Too Analytical, Trey McLemore, William Wilkinson, Yazz Troche, Zachary Vader
Additional relevant links:
Website: http://jordanbpeterson.com/
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life/
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning/
Blog: https://jordanbpeterson.com/blog/
Podcast: https://jordanbpeterson.com/podcast/
Reading List: https://jordanbpeterson.com/2017/10/great-books/
12 Rules for Life Tour: Dates, Cities and Venues: https://jordanbpeterson.com/events/
Self Authoring Suite: http://selfauthoring.com/
Understand Myself personality test: http://understandmyself.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jordan.b.peterson/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drjordanpeterson
Support this channel: https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/donate

¿Cómo superar el dolor en un mundo que no nos enseña a mirar hacia dentro y ser conscientes? ¿Por qué hoy son tan escasas las buenas relaciones con nuestros semejantes? ¿Qué nos enseña la muerte del prójimo? ¿Por qué es vital saber perdonar al otro y perdonarse a sà mismo? En Entrevista, de RT, el psiquiatra chileno Claudio Naranjo, uno de los invitados más vistos de toda la historia de nuestro programa, comparte su sabidurÃa con nosotros.
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SuscrÃbete a BBC Mundo http://vid.io/xqOx
Un falso video que se volvió viral a través de WhatsApp en India y que muestra el supuesto secuestro de un niño ha provocado una ola de linchamientos.
Se trata de una pelÃcula grabada en Pakistán para concienciar sobre la seguridad de los niños en el paÃs asiático.
En la versión original, el video acaba con uno de los hombres de la motocicleta levantando un cartel con el lema de la campaña.
Pero esa parte fue eliminada en la versión que circula por WhatsApp en India y está generando rumores sobre bandas de secuestradores de niños.
Uno de esos rumores causó la muerte, en mayo pasado, de Kaalu Ram, un chico de 26 años que llegó a Bangalore en busca de trabajo.
El suyo es el noveno caso de linchamiento que las autoridades de India atribuyen a rumores falsos que circulan por las redes sociales desde el pasado mes de abril.
La policÃa está lanzando varias campañas para evitar la difusión de ese tipo de mensajes.
Video producido por Dan Johnson, Varun Nayar y Shalu Yadav.