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First lesson of the series WordPress 101 for Beginners Developers.
Learn how to build a Theme from scratch, create the folder and the necessary files to install and activate a custom theme.
These tutorials are meant to be a starter help for developers who never used WordPress before and want to learn how to code themes and plugins without using pre-coded assets.
Tutorial Page: http://www.alecaddd.com/wordpr....ess-101-wordpress-be

This video was made in New York when we licensed The Stopper to Profile Records...... Cutty Ranks surrounded by pretty dancing girls.... what could possibly go wrong?
'The Stopper' is featured on 'Fashion In Fine Style, Significant Hits Volume 1' and is available for download at the Fashion store.....

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This account is called Humanism1893 because it reflects Humanism that came on world stage in 1893 via Swami Vivekananda
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Please watch: "Is Atheism sin ?"

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Talks on Hinduism by Jay Lakhani
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Please watch: "Is Atheism sin ?"

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(Bro. Sanchez Flat Earth Playlist) Our Cosmos Is An Infinite Plane
(The Mother Goddess) Cosmic Mother: Ancient Matriarchal Cosmology) https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLmUJzhQaeZe

Lawrence Gowan - Moonlight Desires (with guest vocalist Jon Anderson)
From the 1987 album "Great Dirty World"
I have transcribed all the lyrics, including those that one would usually not see on a lyrics sheet; I thought if ever someone would like to sing a song completely, all the complete lyrics would be available.
I do not own this song, or anything related; all I did was write down the lyrics. The rest belongs to Lawrence Gowan.
See Moonlight Desires's original Music Video (not by me):