
Our Scheduling Coordinators are the first people you will speak to when you call our office and the first people to greet you when you visit us. They manage the appointment schedule and handle insurance, from determining the coverage available to filing your claims. They are responsible for patient education when they are performing a procedure with Dr. Guess and for making your stay as comfortable as possible. Dr. Michael B. Guess - Orthodontist EL Dorado Hills clinical team is unsurpassed for their gentleness and attention to detail! Our clinical team is also specially trained in orthodontics and is licensed by the California State Board of Dental Examiners; additionally, they receive annual continuing education to update their orthodontic knowledge and techniques.

My Official Website :- https://www.edhorthodontist.com/

Address :- 893 Embarcadero Dr #101, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Phone :- 916-933-0123
Gender : Male
Country :United States