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262 Views · 7 years ago


Hier die komplette Dokumentation auf meinem Backup-Kanal.
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Viel Spaß...

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554 Views · 7 years ago

After winning the overall World Cup title four years in a row, alpine skier Marcel Hirscher took a day off and had some fun at his local resort with his race skiis and some crazy colors, resulting in one of the most vibrant ski runs to date.

Respect for the environment was a priority from the beginning of this project! The team has assured that the plants and wildlife have neither been damaged nor disturbed at any time during the project. All materials for colour effects are 100% natural and the team got all agreements by the local authorities.

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1,083 Views · 7 years ago

check her Brother Ocean
Sky Brown 8 years old Skateboarding Girl
Follow FB: @awsmkids

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944 Views · 7 years ago

check his Sister Sky
Ocean Brown 5 years old Skateboarding
Follow: FB @awsmkids

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430 Views · 7 years ago

For more information . . . stay tuned.

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