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I have been working with Facebook marketing tools since 2019 and have gained extensive experience and understanding of how Facebook works. With this knowledge, I have created various marketing solution tools that are designed with user safety in mind. To ensure the safety of our users, all sensitive data is stored only in local storage (User Device), and no data is stored on our servers. also I have created many free tools during the COVID-19 pandemic with the purpose of helping people grow their small businesses during these hard times.
Fewfeed has earned the trust of customers for three years, and it continues to do so until this day.
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Infusión natural para combatir la Diabetes
Canela (2 astillas).
Clavos de olor (1 cucharada).
Agua mineral (1.5 litros).
Lo primero que debemos hacer es poner a calentar el agua hasta que empiece a hervir. Llegada a este punto, añadiremos la canela y los clavos de olor. Dejaremos que estos hiervan por varios minutos. Luego, apagaremos el fuego y dejaremos que la sustancia se enfrÃe. A continuación lo envasamos en un recipiente con tapa y lo guardamos en la nevera por 5 dÃas.
ATENCIÓN: Este es un Video de Noticias, Recetas y Tratamientos Caseros. No Sustituye a un Especialista. Consulte Siempre su Médico antes de probarlo.