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321 Views · 7 years ago

Alright, be honest. You're only watching this video because it has "wiener" in the title. Go ahead, admit it. It's ok, I'm immature too. That's why I went through the trouble of ripping off a translation from somewhere on the internet and subtitling this thing. If you want a real laugh, google a candy bar called "Wiener Nougat."

So what does "Wiener Blut" mean? "Wiener Blood?" Well... yes, but in German, "Wiener" means "From Vienna." (You've heard of Vienna Sausages? That's why your hot dogs are called "Wieners.") So, more or less, Falco is just rapping about how bad-ass his city is (so bad-ass that the gang leaders dress like Napoleon), just like every other rapper. Does knowing what he's saying make this totally awesome video any less awesome? You be the judge.