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শুধু Hard Work দিয়ে এভাবে বাড়িয়ে তুলুন Confidence | Sanjay Bhattacharya | Josh Talks Bangla
শুধু Hard Work দিয়ে এভাবে বাড়িয়ে তুলুন Confidence | Sanjay Bhattacharya | Josh Talks Bangla Alok Jontrona 32 Views • 5 years ago

বিখ্যাত painter সঞ্জয় ভট্টাচার্য্যের জীবনের গল্প এক সাধারণ ছেলের শুধু পরিশ্রম দিয়ে successful হয়ে ওঠার কাহিনী। ছোট থেকেই লেখাপড়ায় খুব সাধারণ সঞ্জয় ভট্টাচার্য্য Art College-এ admission নেন শুধু বই কম পড়তে হয় ভেবে। এরপর বিভিন্ন company-তে কাজ করেও কোথাওই মন টেকেনি তাঁর। কিন্তু একটি painting-এর exhibition থেকেই তাঁর life-র চাকা ঘুরতে শুরু করে। এক সময় portrait আঁকতে না-পারা সঞ্জয় ভট্টাচার্য্য আজ ভারতের অন্যতম জনপ্রিয় portrait painter হিসেবে প্রতিষ্ঠিত। ক্রমে তিনি বুঝতে পারেন, talent বা ভাগ্য নয়, আসলে পরিশ্রমই মানুষকে life-এ করে তোলে successful
জোশ TALKS-এর মঞ্চে আজ আপনাদের সামনে জীবনে Successful হওয়ার tips সঞ্জয় ভট্টাচার্য্যের নিজের মুখ থেকে।

Famous painter Sanjay Bhattacharya’s life story is the tale of an ordinary boy who becomes successful in his life only through the path of hard work. From the very childhood Sanjay was an average student and took admission in Art College assuming that there he had to read lesser than any other college. He went to the Government College of Arts & Crafts, Kolkata and graduated in 1982 in fine arts. After that, he worked in various companies but he could settle nowhere. But, his life turned after a painting exhibition later on. Sanjay's first inspiration was the Phantom.The famous Phantom comics. Sanjay has won the title for Best Artist, St Xavier's Award, Calcutta − Sahitya Kala Annual Yuima Mahotsava, Delhi − AIFACS Watercolour Award. Sanjay Bhattacharya has numerous solo exhibition which been displayed across the world.
Sanjay Bhattacharya who could not draw a portrait once, established himself as one of the most popular portrait painters in the country. Gradually he realized that neither talent nor luck, but hard work can make a person successful in his life.
Today, on Josh Talks stage, we present life tips to be successful from Sanjay Bhattacharya himself.

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Node JS Tutorial for Beginners #1 - Introduction
Node JS Tutorial for Beginners #1 - Introduction Alok Jontrona 51 Views • 5 years ago

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Yo ninjas, welcome to your very first Node JS tutorial for beginners. In this Node JS tutorial I'll introduce to what exactly Node is all about, why we'd use it and the technologies you'll need to be familiar with to get started.

In a nutshell, Node JS lets us run JavaScript on a computer / server, so with it we can create dynamic web applications in JavaScript from start to finish, without the need to learn another language.

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