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Node JS Tutorial for Beginners #1 - Introduction

51 Views • 24 December 2019
Alok Jontrona
Alok Jontrona
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Yo ninjas, welcome to your very first Node JS tutorial for beginners. In this Node JS tutorial I'll introduce to what exactly Node is all about, why we'd use it and the technologies you'll need to be familiar with to get started.

In a nutshell, Node JS lets us run JavaScript on a computer / server, so with it we can create dynamic web applications in JavaScript from start to finish, without the need to learn another language.

+ Repo - https://github.com/iamshaunjp/node-js-playlist
+ Atom editor - https://atom.io/

You can find more front-end development tutorials on CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, WordPress & more on the channel homepage...

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========== JavaScript for Beginners Playlist ==========


============ CSS for Beginners Playlist =============


============== The Net Ninja =====================

For more front-end development tutorials & to black-belt your coding skills, head over to - https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCW5YeuERMmlnqo4oq or http://thenetninja.co.uk

================== Social Links ==================

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