DUI Law Firm Denver
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Should you agree to a chemical test? This is a tough question to answer. The reason it's a tough question to answer is because you stand to lose your license for a slightly longer period of time if you refuse. If you refuse a test, you have to wait a period of sixty days before you can get a restricted license that will allow you to get back on the road. While if you agree to a chemical test, you'll only have to wait thirty days before you're allowed to get your restricted license.
In addition, you'll also be without a regular driver's license for a lot longer. That said, you improve your chance of beating a DUI in court if you don't agree to a chemical test. If you've been drinking, a chemical test will likely reflect that you've been drinking. So by agreeing to a chemical test, you're essentially helping the government to convict you of DUI. You're giving them more evidence than they might have otherwise.
It's not your job to help the prosecution get a conviction. So my opinion is that you're better off refusing a chemical test. Of course, there would be an exception if you hadn't had anything to drink, in which case you should opt for a blood test. If you've been charged with a DUI, don't go at it alone. Call us at the number listed below or the website.

If you're facing a drug-related criminal charge in Denver, you probably know that the consequences of a conviction will likely have a major impact on your life. You need the best team of legal and scientific experts on your side of the fight. Let the seasoned pros at DUI Law Firm Denver bring the best possible defense to your drug-related case.
Some things you should know if you're charged with DUID:
- The penalties for DUID are similar to those for DUI: significant loss of money, time, freedom, and reputation (to name a few)
-It's harder to test for drug impairment than for alcohol impairment.
-The prosecution is counting on your ignorance of the law and the science in a DUID case..
Marijuana-related charges aren't limited to DUID cases
-Marijuana Possession:
In Colorado, possession of small amounts of marijuana, transferring small amounts to others and growing a few plants are all permissible without penalty.
-Possession by a Minor:
A child charged with marijuana possession can face severe penalties, as well. The first charge might not land a child in detention.. but subsequent charges can carry very serious consequences for a young person's future.
With DUI Law Firm Denver, if you are faced with a drug charge that has to go to trial, you'll have not one, but two expert attorneys appearing with you in court. Two heads are better than one! And since the firm's policy is not to charge you for the second attorney, DUI Law Firm Denver represents the best possible value for your defense.
Get things working in your favor
Phone: 3034047492 Today
Website: https://duilawfirmdenver.com/
Email: info@DUILawFirmDenver.com
Address: 1890 N Gaylord Street, Denver, CO 80206

That's a tough question to answer, but there are certainly professions that could be adversely affected by a DUI conviction. Some of these professions are those related to medicine, education, and obviously those that involve driving for a living. In addition, there are jobs where the job itself might not be affected by the circumstances surrounding a DUI, but could make things difficult and uncomfortable. A real estate agent might drive clients to look at houses if they have an interlock device in their car. It could be embarrassing, and they might be judged by their potential client.
Learn more here https://duilawfirmdenver.com

DUI Law Firm Denver brings a unique combination of knowledge, skills, and experience to the fight on your behalf. We know the law, science, how to win and what you're going through. DUI Law Firm Denver brings some of the most brilliant criminal defense minds to your case... pros who've seen it all, and who know how to attack the other side's case on your behalf.

DUI Law Firm Denver's Emilio De Simone is a former engineer whose unique combined expertise in forensic science and criminal law helps swing the odds in favor of the firm's DUI clients. Leveraging their deep knowledge of the system and their long-term relationships with key members of the justice community, the attorneys at DUI Law Firm Denver will fight aggressively to get you the best possible outcome from your DUI entanglement.

DUI Law Firm Denver offers unparalleled tenacity and expertise in DUI defense, acknowledging the potential loss of driving privileges that comes with such charges. Refusing a chemical test may benefit you in criminal proceedings but leads to a temporary suspension in administrative hearings at the DMV. Despite this setback, the legal and scientific experts at DUI Law Firm Denver are skilled in securing partial reinstatement of driving privileges.
Visit our page to learn more https://duilawfirmdenver.com/d....ui-denver/denver-lic

In my opinion blood test is more accurate than a breath test. There are circumstances where a breath test can have erroneously high readings. For example, an erroneously high readings can occur in people with acid reflux. If you belch close to the time you take the test, you'll have a breath with an artificially high concentration of alcohol. In addition, breath testing machines operates under a scientific assumption that not all scientists agree with. On the other hand, blood testing is done with an instrument called gas chromatograph. This is an extremely accurate and standard instrument that's been used in chemistry for years.
Learn more underage drunk driving here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/d....ui-denver/dui-defens
Read about breathalyzer here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/w....as-your-breathalyzer
Blood tests problems here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/c....ommon-problems-with-