Drug Defense Denver
If you're facing a drug-related criminal charge in Denver, you probably know that the consequences of a conviction will likely have a major impact on your life. You need the best team of legal and scientific experts on your side of the fight. Let the seasoned pros at DUI Law Firm Denver bring the best possible defense to your drug-related case.
Some things you should know if you're charged with DUID:
- The penalties for DUID are similar to those for DUI: significant loss of money, time, freedom, and reputation (to name a few)
-It's harder to test for drug impairment than for alcohol impairment.
-The prosecution is counting on your ignorance of the law and the science in a DUID case..
Marijuana-related charges aren't limited to DUID cases
-Marijuana Possession:
In Colorado, possession of small amounts of marijuana, transferring small amounts to others and growing a few plants are all permissible without penalty.
-Possession by a Minor:
A child charged with marijuana possession can face severe penalties, as well. The first charge might not land a child in detention.. but subsequent charges can carry very serious consequences for a young person's future.
With DUI Law Firm Denver, if you are faced with a drug charge that has to go to trial, you'll have not one, but two expert attorneys appearing with you in court. Two heads are better than one! And since the firm's policy is not to charge you for the second attorney, DUI Law Firm Denver represents the best possible value for your defense.
Get things working in your favor
Phone: 3034047492 Today
Website: https://duilawfirmdenver.com/
Email: info@DUILawFirmDenver.com
Address: 1890 N Gaylord Street, Denver, CO 80206