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Get 5000 Likes on Your Facebook Fanpage Within 5 Minutes 2017 [With Proof]
Get 5000 Likes on Your Facebook Fanpage Within 5 Minutes 2017 [With Proof] Andranik Martirosyan 594 Views • 7 years ago

Get 5000 Likes on Your Facebook Fanpage Within 5 Minutes 2017 [With Proof]

Link: Dow your profile information;
Appoint a new admin to any groups or Pages you manage;
Change your profile name and address, if necessary;
Convert your personal Facebook Profile to a business Page; and
Merge your new Facebook business Page with any existing Page, if you have one.
How do you do all of this? I’m glad you asked…

1. Download Your Profile Information

First, let me back up and explain. You need to download your Facebook profile information because not everything will move to your new business Page when the conversion is completed. The only items transferred over will be your current profile picture and your current friends and subscribers (who will be converted to Likes). You’ll also keep your current username.

You lose everything else. All of your posts, photos, bios and anything associated with the account. Yeah, I know. For the most part, you will be starting over. But if you want to recreate anything you had previously done, you’ll want to first download your info to have it handy.

Here’s how to download your profile information, according to Facebook. From the Account Settings page, do the following:

Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page
Choose Account Settings
Click on “Download a copy of your Facebook data”
Click Start My Archive
This file will contain virtually everything associated with your profile. I’m not going to list it all here because it is an extensive list. View Facebook’s list of what is included in the file here.

2. Appoint a New Admin to Groups or Pages You Manage

Facebook’s instructions actually only include Groups, but I have to imagine this should include Pages as well. When your profile is converted to a Page, the “old you” disappears. Therefore, if you were the sole admin of any groups or Pages, they will now be admin-less.
You must take care of this before the conversion.

3. Change Your Profile Name and Address

If you have an active business Page that you’ll eventually want to merge with, you’ll need to establish that this soon-to-be second business Page is a duplicate. So you’ll want to change the profile name and physical address to be the same as that Page. (If you don’t have an already active business Page, you can skip this part.)
Go to Account Settings to change your name
Go to your profile and click Update Info to access your address
4. Convert Your Personal Facebook Profile to a Business Page

Now that you’ve downloaded your profile information and assigned admins to applicable groups and Pages, it’s time for the moment of truth.
Go here to convert your Facebook profile to a business Page. I’m not real certain of what steps are included because I’m scared to death to go too far into the process. But it looks like this:

Convert Facebook Profile to Business Page
This appears to be nearly identical to the process of setting up a Facebook Page for the first time. I’ll let you find out for sure.

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