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Connecting AI Automations to Front End Websites is going to change the game. Learn how to build your first A.I SaaS in todays video.
Start your A.I agency with me here: https://www.skool.com/kevs-no-....code-academy-3295/ab
Get the Blueprints you need for this tutorial (Free): https://www.skool.com/kevs-fre....e-no-code-academy-78
By the END of this video, you will learn how to connect ANY Automation to a custom front end website. You will have grabbed my free automation blueprint, and through these steps, you wouldve connected this AI automation to a front end website on bolt.new
- download the Auto captions automation, watch the auto captions tutorail to setup the automation here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAPBUTTwD9g&t=295s
Start your A.I agency with me here: https://www.skool.com/kevs-no-....code-academy-3295/ab
bolt.new, a.i automations, how to build automations, how to use bolt.new, no code, no code saas, no code ai saas, no code ai, how to use bolt.new, hot to make money with a.i
0:00 - 0:30 - Intro
0:30 - 2:00 bolt.new + A.I automation opportunity
2:00 - 3:40 What we are building today
3:40 - 18:17 building out our project together