
At Bonita Del Rey Dental Care, we understand just how unwelcome a situation that is. But we want to reassure you that it’s completely avoidable. With implant supported dentures placed by Dr. Aldo Espinosa—a distinguished member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry—and the highly trained team here at our Chula Vista, CA office, you can put those worries away forever. Based on posts permanently fixed in your jawbone, Dentures and implants are already the most durable way of replacing missing teeth. With the addition of guided implant surgery, we can provide an extremely precise, comfortable fit. By combining dentures with dental implants, we’re able to give you the benefits of both methods.

Address:- 1415 Ridgeback Rd #26, Chula Vista, CA 91910

Phone:- 619-482-3264
Gender : Male
Country :United States