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Adoption Curve | Business Success Formula for Entrepreneurs | Case Study | Dr. Vivek Bindra
Adoption Curve | Business Success Formula for Entrepreneurs | Case Study | Dr. Vivek Bindra gfgggg 665 Views • 7 years ago

In this Video, Dr. Vivek Bindra has focused on the "Adoption Curve" formula and how the adoption of the same can save a business from getting bankrupt. In this video, Dr. Bindra has focused on solving the following problems of his viewers.

1. How to avoid giving discounts
2. How to Increase sales without giving discounts
3. How to grow your Business during tough competition
4. How to understand the changing environment of the business
5. How to adapt to the changes of of a changing business environment
6. How to manage change in your business
7. How to understand change of your business
8. How to learn change management
9. Understand the disruptive nature of Business
10. Analyze and focus on the changing business environment
11. Understand, manage and Adapt as per the changing business climate
12. Understand the market shift
13. Understand the customer shift in your Business
14. Understand market signals
15. Understanding and listening to your customers
16. Understand the shift in core technology
17. Market Intelligence
18. Business Intelligence
19. How to plan change in product strategy
20. Corporate Case studies on Adoption Curve

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