
Turkey.Home - Black Sea Timelapse - A week in Turkey
Turkey.Home - Black Sea Timelapse - A week in Turkey Turkey.Home 136 Views • 6 years ago

Watch more timelapse videos on Turkey.Home channel: https://goo.gl/CaFkTq

Watch a super-fast tour of the gorgeous Black Sea region of Turkey

The Black Sea region of Turkey is full of unparalleled beauty, from the plateaus of Rize to the history of Trabzon. It’s a magical place with its own culinary traditions, incredible greenery and warm hospitality. #Turkey #Homeof #BeautifulNature

Turkey.Home - Life in Istanbul
Turkey.Home - Life in Istanbul Turkey.Home 102 Views • 6 years ago

Watch more Istanbul videos on Turkey.Home channel: https://goo.gl/N953EN

Let go of yourself in Istanbul. Enjoy being in one of the most vibrant cities in the world, witness moments filled with surprises and see something new every time you turn your head.
#Turkey #Homeof #Istanbul

Turkey.Home - Turquoise Timelapse: A week in Turkey
Turkey.Home - Turquoise Timelapse: A week in Turkey Turkey.Home 111 Views • 6 years ago

Watch more timelapse videos on Turkey.Home channel: https://goo.gl/CaFkTq

From the hustle and bustle of Istanbul to the turquoise coast, from ancient cities to paragliding over stunning bays! Catch a glimpse of just how magical Turkey is!

#Turkey #Homeof #Turquoise

Turkey.Home - Turkey’s Turquoise Coast from the Air
Turkey.Home - Turkey’s Turquoise Coast from the Air Turkey.Home 105 Views • 6 years ago

Watch more Turkey videos on Turkey.Home channel: https://goo.gl/tXK5Sp

A dizzying array of stunning shots of Turkey’s turquoise coast, from ancient castles to secluded coves and ancient cities to modern resorts. While the gorgeous staircases down to the sea and windy mountain roads are lovely, see it all from above in this incredible video.

#Turkey #Homeof #Turqoise

Turkey.Home - New Trend Fethiye
Turkey.Home - New Trend Fethiye Turkey.Home 87 Views • 6 years ago

Watch more Turkey videos on Turkey.Home channel: https://goo.gl/gn2Kc3

Find freedom, lose yourself in the blue, embrace nature, dance with the wind. Visit New Trend Fethiye, the land of lights.

#Turkey #Homeof #Fethiye #Mugla

Turkey.Home - The UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Turkey
Turkey.Home - The UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Turkey Turkey.Home 218 Views • 6 years ago

Watch more UNESCO videos on Turkey.Home channel: https://goo.gl/VmByxq

Do you know how many sites from Turkey have been listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List? Discover the amazing history of these ancient lands and see some of the most breathtaking relics in the world! #Turkey #Homeof #AnatolianHeritage

Mark Eliyahu - Through Me
Mark Eliyahu - Through Me Ida Jacks 152 Views • 6 years ago

the first single from Roads . get the new album :
✯ iTunes -
✯ Bandcamp - https://markeliyahu.bandcamp.com/album/roads
facebook: https://facebook.com/MarkEliyahu
website: http://markeliyahu.com
composition by Mark Eliyahu
musical production: Mark Eliyahu & Eldad Zitrin
Mark Eliyahu - Kamanche
Eldad Zitrin - Piano

pic by Gabriel Baharila
design by Zohar Ron


Angèle feat. Roméo Elvis - Tout Oublier [CLIP OFFICIEL]
Angèle feat. Roméo Elvis - Tout Oublier [CLIP OFFICIEL] ninnis 158 Views • 6 years ago


Extrait du 1er album d'Angèle, maintenant disponible :
Angèle en concert : https://lnk.to/AngeleConcertsYD
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/angeleouenpoudre
Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/angele_vl
Écouter tous les titres d'Angèle : https://lnk.to/AngeleDigitalYD
Directed by Brice VDH & Léo WALK
Images, montage & étalonnage • Brice VDH
Assistante réal • Barbara DAUBY
Chorégraphe • Léo WALK
Make Up • Ophélie SECQ
Production exécutive • Barbara DAUBY
Production • Angèle VL RECORDS
Régisseur • Thomas LESCART
Casting • Daisy FREYJA
Stylisme & accessoires • Jill WERTZ, Barbara DAUBY & Daisy FREYJA
Catering • Eva SZECHENYI

Annabelle Legendart, Miranda Begona, Rosa Bourguillos, Maité Ferhat, Fanny Schneider, Daisy Freyja, Marco Castro, Miguel Gonzales, Jorel D, Julien, Marius, Billy Paschal & Pascale Zintzen

Merci à Roméo Elvis, Nisrine Ben Abdeslam, Lena, Sylvie Farr, Nicolas Renard, Oli & Mayou (fournisseurs de la Cour), Ghighi & Vivi, Fifi, Cyril & La Taverna Del Mar, Nico & son équipe de sauveteurs, Fleur, Olivier & leur famille.

Photo "Mon frère et Moi": Charlotte Abramow

© Angèle VL Records

q0t.kl.com.ua | #Школа. Недитячі ігри. 29 серія
q0t.kl.com.ua | #Школа. Недитячі ігри. 29 серія Q0T TUBE 174 Views • 6 years ago


Лола не знає, як повернути сестру і братиків з дитбудинку. Тим часом, Юлія Володимирівна знаходиться у лікарні у важкому стані. Викладачка фізики Олена Сергіївна сфотографувалася для реклами купальника. Така фотосесія викликала резонанс серед школи. Ніка навіть запідозрила, що між Пашою та Оленою щось було. Дивись новий сезон телесеріалу #Школа на 1+1.

q0t.kl.com.ua | ИС-3. Как играть на танке?
q0t.kl.com.ua | ИС-3. Как играть на танке? Q0T TUBE 123 Views • 6 years ago


ИС-3 — самый популярный тяжёлый танк 8 уровня в World of Tanks. Незаменим в рандоме, в киберспорте и на Глобальной карте. Но за что тройку так любят? Ведь танк совсем не идеален. Узнай всю правду об ИС-3. Нужно ли увеличивать обзор? Как использовать щучий нос? Что спрятано в бортах? Смотри видео — и вперёд к победам!

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q0t.kl.com.ua | Reversed Beginning by Luwaks - [Ambient Music]
q0t.kl.com.ua | Reversed Beginning by Luwaks - [Ambient Music] Q0T TUBE 102 Views • 6 years ago


↓More info below↓

Song: Reversed Beginning by Luwaks

Get this song here: https://player.epidemicsound.c....om/search/?search_qu

• You have to get a license to use this song without any copyright issues and claims!
→ Please read this for more info: http://goo.gl/AtmemQ

♪ Do you want to submit your own song? - https://goo.gl/AhsNie


Song Info:
Title: Reversed Beginning
Composer: Luwaks
Genre: Ambient
Category: Dreamy


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AlRoTa Music is a music promotion channel.

♩ You will find here the best unknown music from music libraries such as Epidemic Sound, Positionmusic...
Those songs are NOT copyright free!
You have to get a license to use their music without any copyright issues and claims!
Please read the license info to learn more about the copyrights: https://goo.gl/vUI6xc

♪ You will also find here some royalty free / copyright free songs from private composers.
If you are allowed to use them, I will write it in the description!
If I haven't mentioned anything, contact the composers and ask them for permission please!
Do you want to submit your own song? - https://goo.gl/AhsNie


If any composer or label has an issue with any of my uploads, get in contact with me please ➞ [alrotamusic@freenet.de]
Once I have received your message, I will delete the video as soon as possible.

↑More info above↑

Create a Octane Light rig - CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL
Create a Octane Light rig - CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL Stefan 194 Views • 6 years ago

Join me on Patreon.<br />
www.patreon.com/video4tutorial<br />
<br />
<br />
Welcome to a new tutorial. In this video I’ll show you how I light my scenes with a light rig I created. I’m your instructor Niels, and let’s begin. <br />
<br />
This is the geometry we’re going to use in today’s video. First we have to switch off two bevel deformers to lower the resolution for a realtime feedback. First we create a circle spline. Change the radius to 50 centimeters and make sure it’s aligned to the XZ plane. Like this.<br />
Now we need to create a area light. As you can see it’s way to big so we have to lower the Size X and Y to 25 centimeters. Then we apply a align to spline tag to our light, and drag your circle spline in the Spline Path section. Now it perfectly snaps to our spline.<br />
The next step is a controller where our light will be aiming at. You can do this by creating null object, and rename it to Target. Then right mouse on your light and add the target tag. Drag your null into the Target Object section and as you can see the light suddenly starts facing the null target.<br />
Let’s select these three object and hit command or control N on your keyboard to group them. Rename the null to Light rig or whatever you want. The last important thing before we go to Octane is to apply a Octane light tag to our area light.<br />
Okay, now activate your Live Viewer Window and place it next to your viewport. And start the render engine.<br />
As you can see our area light is still visible in our render view. To turn it of we click on our octane light tag and switch off Camera Visibility. That’s better.<br />
Our next step is to create a camera. You can do this by clicking here in the octane viewer, or just add a camera and right mouse and navigate to OctaneCameraTag. Done. Put the camera all the way to zero and move it a little bit to the back. As a photographer I like to use a focal length of 50 millimetres, but it’s up to you off course. Now switch to our newly created camera and select the circle spline. We want to make it spin like this. So go to frame zero en set a keyframe at zero degrees. Then go to frame 40 and set the H parameter to 360 and click on keyframe again. Let’s add a little bit more frame to our scene.<br />
As you can see the light spins only once around our object. What we want is a linear and continues animation. So go to Window and Timeline F curve. Right mouse Frame all, or H on your keyboard to see our keyframes. Select our in and out points and click on linear of L on your keyboard. We want this line to continue with an offset. So click on rotation H and navigate to the right side of your screen and change After from Constant to Offset Repeat. The thin black line represents the continued animation, but as you can see only once. To add more Repetitions change the one to for example 25. There you go. And if you press play right now our light keeps spinning without stopping. <br />
Now you can do all different kind of things with you rig. You can place it above or underneath your geometry to create stunning light effects. Use your creativity and experiment with the tools you have.<br />
Let’s switch our bevel deformers back on and see light effect on our high res geometry. That looks amazing. Now to finish it all of we add some depth of field to our render. Click on you Octane Camera Tag, and under the Thinlens tab you have to switch off the Auto Focus option. Then set the F-stop to 0.5 to get the maximum amount of blur. Then in the live viewer select the picker and click on a area you want to focus on. The amount of blur is to extreme. Now change the F-stop from .5 to 1. And there you go. We created a Octane light rig for you to create some interesting lighting. You can download the scene with the geometry on my Patreon page and if you are interested in how to make geometry like this. Check out one of my previews tutorial about using multiple bevel deformers.<br />
<br />
For my Patreon supporters I created the light rig with some X presso extensions to speedup the workflow. You can easily change the speed of the light by just changing the values instead of setting keyframe. You can change the size of the rig, the size of the light, the intensity of the light and of course the aim direction. All of this in one windows running through X presso. It’s available for download right now on my Patreon page. Make sure you subscribe for more upcoming videos. Thank you for watching and until next time!

Showing 298 out of 299