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Suspenso - Efectos de Sonido
Suspenso - Efectos de Sonido asdascxzc1 6 Views • 4 years ago

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Watch Sky News live
Watch Sky News live Yellow_Spot 6 Views • 5 years ago

Watch Sky News live.
Today's top stories:

More stories you should read: More than 14,800 new cases of the coronavirus have been reported in China's Hubei province - the epicentre of the outbreak, as London has its first confirmed case of COVID-19, taking the total number of patients in the UK to nine. Boris Johnson will seek to promote more female MPs as he reshuffles the cabinet today - but ministers who fear for their jobs are said to be bracing themselves for the "brutal" process. And the Met Office has issued weather warnings for the next five days as Storm Dennis arrives in the UK. Forecasters are warning that Saturday is expected to be the most hazardous day, with yellow warnings for wind and rain covering large swathes of the country.

???? PM set to reshuffle Cabinet:
???? More than 14,800 new #coronavirus cases reported in China's Hubei province:
???? Five days of warnings begin as #StormDennis approaches:

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Британский наемник рассказал о встрече с русской армией
Британский наемник рассказал о встрече с русской армией Александр Воронов 6 Views • 3 years ago

Британский наемник рассказал о встрече с русской армией
Идея участия иностранных наемников на Украине со стороны киевского режима обретает реальные черты. Украинские СМИ регулярно сообщают о прибытии в страну европейцев и американцев, которые намерены сражаться в рядах украинских формирований.
Посольство Украины в США к примеру отчиталось о том, что отбор к отправке в страну прошли около 100 американцев с боевым опытом.
В Киеве сообщают, что в страну должны прибыть до 20 000 иностранных наемников.
Дипломатические миссии Украины получили директиву вести вербовку всех желающих по всему миру, которые готовы отправиться на войну.
Но иностранцы, отправляющиеся в «Незалежную» зачастую не очень представляют себе с чем именно столкнутся, сравнивая существующий конфликт на территории Украины с тем, что было в Ираке или Афганистане .
А вот у гражданина Великобритании Джейсона Хейга, ставшего героем материала в издании The Sun под громким названием «Британский лев», совсем иное мнение. Он столкнулся с регулярной российской армией, о чем и рассказал в статье.

History of Sculpture
History of Sculpture tonsamith 6 Views • 2 years ago

What Are Sculptures?
Sculptures are three-dimensional works of art made from materials like stone, metal, ceramics, and wood. Sculptors use a variety of methods to construct works of art, including carving, constructing, modeling, and casting.

A Brief History of Western Sculpture
The history of sculpture traces back to the dawn of civilization.

Prehistoric sculptures (40,000—4,000 BCE): Prehistoric sculptures ranged from stone carvings to bronze castings. Other prehistoric sculptures were carved out of clay, bone, wood, and stone. One of the oldest known sculptures is Lion-man of the Hohlenstein-Stadel, a figurine carved from mammoth ivory found in Germany.
Ancient sculptures (4,000 BCE—400 CE): Ancient sculptures include large ancient Egyptian statues like the Great Sphinx of Giza and sunken relief sculptures carved into stone—many of which featured Egyptian gods. Art historians delineate ancient Greek sculptures into three periods: Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic. As ancient Greece developed through the centuries, Greek sculptures transformed from early rigid works to extremely sophisticated artworks.
Medieval sculptures (400—1400s): After the fall of the Roman empire, sculptors across Europe created predominantly religious artworks. During the Dark Ages, the Catholic Church gained power and influence, commissioning sculptures featuring Christian iconography. Near the end of the Medieval period, the Gothic style became popular with Italian artists like Giotto and Duccio, who created Gothic sculptures for cathedrals and abbeys.
Renaissance sculptures (1400–1600s): During the Renaissance in Europe, sculptors created classical works made from bronze and marble. The most well-known sculptor of this period is Michelangelo, whose marble sculptures changed the course of art history. His iconic freestanding sculpture David (1501–1504) still stands in Florence today. Another of his marble sculptures, Pietà (1498–1499), depicts the Virgin Mary holding the body of Jesus.
Baroque, Rococo, and Romantic sculptures (1600–1850s): During these periods, sculptures became even more ornate, elegant, and often erotic. The subject matter of these sculptures moved away from the religious and toward the individual, characterized by artworks like Claude Michel’s terracotta sculpture The Intoxication of Wine (1780–1790).
Modern and contemporary sculptures (1860s to present day): Modern art sculptures encompass a wide range of art movements, including Cubism, Russian Constructivism, Dadaism, and more. Artists like Alexander Calder developed kinetic sculptures that move. Throughout his career, Pablo Picasso made experimental sculptures out of a wide range of materials, including cardboard, clay, and found objects.

Article by: Jeff Koons
Created by: Ton Samith

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