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5 Extinct Animals That May Still Roam the Earth

672 Views • 12 October 2017
Deen Doughouz
Deen Doughouz
110,258 Subscribers

5 mysterious animals thought to be extinct... but are they? Subscribe to Dark5 for the biggest mysteries of this world & beyond ► http://bit.ly/dark5 More Dark5 Videos:
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Woolly Mammoth
"Consensus dating of mammoth remains from Wrangel Island". Radiocarbon, North America. March 2006. http://bit.ly/ZPfW8Y Thylacine ( Tasmanian Tiger ):
"Tasmania's Threatened Fauna Handbook". Threatened Species Unit, Parks and Wildlife Service, Tasmania. 1999. http://bit.ly/144wqKg "Thylacines". Grant Museum of Zoology. April 2012. http://bit.ly/11FrXvn Passenger Pigeon
"The Passenger Pigeon". Encyclopedia Smithsonian. Smithsonian Institution. March 2001. http://bit.ly/ZPi8xw "Cloning: Can it resurrect extinct species?". BBC News. February 2012. http://bit.ly/17MuICD Honshu Wolf
"Man continues 40-year search for extinct Japanese wolf". The Asahi Shimbum. January 2013. http://bit.ly/11N1Tl2 Mokele-mbembe "The hunt for Mokele-mbembe: Congo's Loch Ness Monster". BBC News Magazine. December 2011. http://bbc.in/11lhEwI Music: "Phantasm"
by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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