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Understanding speech 1:1 in loud noise with PhonakTechnology ǀ Waterproof & Rechargeable Hearing

7 Views • 27 January 2025
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Understanding speech 1:1 in loud noise with Phonak Technology ǀ Phonak Audéo™ Lumity ǀ Waterproof & Rechargeable Hearing Aid

Dennis and Lisa have enjoyed walking to the corner deli for lunch for years, but lately with the restaurant so crowded it’s hard for him to hear what Lisa is saying, leading to embarrassing arguments and misunderstandings. He needs a solution that will help him hear in the noise of a restaurant or the din of a busy street. Phonak offers features that directly address this need:

* Dynamic Noise Cancellation
* Motion Sensor Hearing
* SpeechSensor
* StereoZoom 2.0
* UltraZoom

The world's first waterproof rechargeable hearing aid with Phonak SmartSpeech™ Technology for improved speech understanding.

For more information go to ➡️ https://[a]www.advancedhearingbd.com%2Fservices%2Fhearing-aids%2Fhearing-aid-brands%2Fphonak%2Faudeo-lumity%2F[/a]

#phonaklumity #waterproofhearingaid #rechargeablehearingaid #phonak #advancedhearingcenter #bangladesh

ডিজিটাল ও কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামেবল হিয়ারিং এইড (কানে শোনার মেশিন) এবং শুনানি পরীক্ষার বিশ্বস্ত প্রতিষ্ঠান।

আমরা সরাসরি সিঙ্গাপুর, সুইজারল্যান্ড এবং জার্মানি থেকে ডিজিটাল ও কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামেবল হিয়ারিং এইড আমদানি করি এবং বিদেশ থেকে ট্রেনিংপ্রাপ্ত ইঞ্জিনিয়ার দ্বারা টেকনিক্যাল সার্ভিস সহ সকল ধরনের হিয়ারিং এইড সুলভ মূল্যে বিক্রির নিশ্চয়তা প্রদান করি।

* Phonak Audéo™ Lumity ǀ Most Advanced Technology to Date ǀ Waterproof & Rechargeable Hearing Aid: https://youtu.be/6-Y140dN7lU
* Introducing Phonak Audéo™ Lumity - Waterproof & Rechargeable Hearing Aid: https://youtu.be/pbgpT6GZH9Q
* How to take a free hearing test? https://youtu.be/7JkeYadHd2o
* Home delivery or support for Senior Citizens: https://youtu.be/wgFBaAxzdSs
* What are the different types and styles of hearing aids: https://youtu.be/rDlj2dIogbc
* Why use Phonak Hearing Aids - Modern Hearing Aids for a Modern World - Phonak AutoSense OS Explained: https://youtu.be/vqJXgElIP70
* Invisible Mini Hearing Aid: https://youtu.be/d_oVijAwj-I
* The Mechanism of Hearing: https://youtu.be/g5zsMZRPIA4

Our Services:
1. Complete Hearing Testing & Evaluation
2. Digital Programmable Hearing Aid Trial and Dispensing
3. Customized Hearing Protections
4. Ear Mold (Hard & soft) at our own lab
5. Hearing Aid repairing & servicing at our own lab
6. Hearing Aid Batteries & Accessories
7. Home delivery or support for Senior Citizens.

** Our Hearing Aid 1/2/3 Years Warranty or Repayment Guarantee.
** Our Digital Hearing Aid Starting Price - 4,499 BDT up to 3,50,000 BDT

Dhaka Office:
24/1, Shan Tower (3rd Floor) (Brac Bank & Al-Arafah Islami Bank Building), Shantinagar, Dhaka - 1217, Bangladesh
Location Map: https://[a]www.advancedhearingbd.com%2Fmap%2Fdhaka%2F[/a]

Narsingdi Office:
Narsingdi Plaza Shopping Mall (1st Floor), Shop No: 234
(Near by Narsingdi Govt. Girls High School)
12 Satirpara, Narsingdi-1600, Bangladesh
Location Map: https://[a]www.advancedhearingbd.com%2Fmap%2Fnarsingdi%2F[/a]

Mobile (Imo+WhatsApp Available): +8801755574799 +8801814091509

Web: www.advancedhearingbd.com
Mail: info@advancedhearingbd.com
We are happy to announce that we released a mobile app for providing better services? From now on you can reach us through our mobile as well.
Free Download from Play Store: https://amarurl.com/ah-android-apps
Enjoy & stay connected with us:

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A sister concern of Advanced Group (www.advancedgroup.xyz)

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