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Understanding speech in a group in loud places with Phonak Technology

5 Views • 27 January 2025
7 Subscribers

Understanding speech in a group in loud places with Phonak Technology ǀ Phonak Audéo™ Lumity ǀ Waterproof & Rechargeable Hearing Aid

Armand loves to go to football games with his friends. But, when the crowd is cheering, it can be difficult to have a conversation with his friends about the game. And half the fun of going to a game is talking about the action with the people around you! Phonak offers features that directly address this need:

* Dynamic Noise Cancellation
* SpeechSensor
* StereoZoom 2.0
* UltraZoom

The world's first waterproof rechargeable hearing aid with Phonak SmartSpeech™ Technology for improved speech understanding.

For more information go to ➡️ https://[a]www.advancedhearingbd.com%2Fservices%2Fhearing-aids%2Fhearing-aid-brands%2Fphonak%2Faudeo-lumity%2F[/a]

#phonaklumity #waterproofhearingaid #rechargeablehearingaid #phonak #advancedhearingcenter #bangladesh

ডিজিটাল ও কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামেবল হিয়ারিং এইড (কানে শোনার মেশিন) এবং শুনানি পরীক্ষার বিশ্বস্ত প্রতিষ্ঠান।

আমরা সরাসরি সিঙ্গাপুর, সুইজারল্যান্ড এবং জার্মানি থেকে ডিজিটাল ও কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামেবল হিয়ারিং এইড আমদানি করি এবং বিদেশ থেকে ট্রেনিংপ্রাপ্ত ইঞ্জিনিয়ার দ্বারা টেকনিক্যাল সার্ভিস সহ সকল ধরনের হিয়ারিং এইড সুলভ মূল্যে বিক্রির নিশ্চয়তা প্রদান করি।

* Understanding speech 1:1 in loud noise with PhonakTechnology ǀ Waterproof & Rechargeable Hearing Aid: https://youtu.be/E1WZXsOxnVM
* Phonak Audéo™ Lumity ǀ Most Advanced Technology to Date ǀ Waterproof & Rechargeable Hearing Aid: https://youtu.be/6-Y140dN7lU
* Introducing Phonak Audéo™ Lumity - Waterproof & Rechargeable Hearing Aid: https://youtu.be/pbgpT6GZH9Q
* How to take a free hearing test? https://youtu.be/7JkeYadHd2o
* Home delivery or support for Senior Citizens: https://youtu.be/wgFBaAxzdSs
* What are the different types and styles of hearing aids: https://youtu.be/rDlj2dIogbc
* Why use Phonak Hearing Aids - Modern Hearing Aids for a Modern World - Phonak AutoSense OS Explained: https://youtu.be/vqJXgElIP70
* Invisible Mini Hearing Aid: https://youtu.be/d_oVijAwj-I
* The Mechanism of Hearing: https://youtu.be/g5zsMZRPIA4

Our Services:
1. Complete Hearing Testing & Evaluation
2. Digital Programmable Hearing Aid Trial and Dispensing
3. Customized Hearing Protections
4. Ear Mold (Hard & soft) at our own lab
5. Hearing Aid repairing & servicing at our own lab
6. Hearing Aid Batteries & Accessories
7. Home delivery or support for Senior Citizens.

** Our Hearing Aid 1/2/3 Years Warranty or Repayment Guarantee.
** Our Digital Hearing Aid Starting Price - 4,499 BDT up to 3,50,000 BDT

Dhaka Office:
24/1, Shan Tower (3rd Floor) (Brac Bank & Al-Arafah Islami Bank Building), Shantinagar, Dhaka - 1217, Bangladesh
Location Map: https://[a]www.advancedhearingbd.com%2Fmap%2Fdhaka%2F[/a]

Narsingdi Office:
Narsingdi Plaza Shopping Mall (1st Floor), Shop No: 234
(Nearby Narsingdi Govt. Girls High School)
12 Satirpara, Narsingdi-1600, Bangladesh
Location Map: https://[a]www.advancedhearingbd.com%2Fmap%2Fnarsingdi%2F[/a]

Mobile (Imo+WhatsApp Available): +8801755574799 +8801814091509

Web: www.advancedhearingbd.com
Mail: info@advancedhearingbd.com
We are happy to announce that we released a mobile app for providing better services. From now on you can reach us through our mobile as well.
Free Download from Play Store: https://amarurl.com/ah-android-apps
Enjoy & stay connected with us:

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A sister concern of Advanced Group (www.advancedgroup.xyz)

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