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1 Hour of Dark Music | The Shadows Bride | Dark, Orchestral, Magic

711 Views • 04 October 2017
Deen Doughouz
Deen Doughouz
105,657 Subscribers

High Qaulity Album available at store listed below (Tracklist is Below)
Want to buy a license to use my music for your projects? visit here - http://petergundry.wix.com/pet....ergundrycomposer It / Bandcamp /Facebook
- https://itunes.apple.com/album..../id1098434881?ls=1&a - http://petergundry.bandcamp.co....m/album/the-shadows- https://www.facebook.com/Peter....GundryOfficial Albu - The Shadow’s Bride (c) All Rights Reserved
Composed & Produced by Peter Gundry
Photography by Vana Katacic
Art Page - https://www.facebook.com/vanakatancic Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE if you enjoyed, thank you =)

The Track list =)

1. As Shadows Fall 00:00 - 03:35
2. I Bleed For you 03:36 - 08:47
3. The Witch 8:48 - 11:56
4. The Coven 11:57 - 16:17
5. The Last Dance 16:18 - 19:31
6. I Meet My Shadow 19:32 - 23:09
7. The Last of Their Kind - 23:10 - 28:35
8. The Shadow’s Bride 28:36 - 31:55
9. Lucifers Hymn 31:56 - 34:08
10. The Dream Snatcher 34:09 - 38:05
11. Silva Maleficas - 38:06 - 41:41
12.True Power Within 41:42 - 44:59
13. Invocation 45:00 - 49:07
14. The Craft - 49:08 - 53:01
15. Return of the Dark Lord - 53:02 - 55:25
16. Master of Death 55:26 - 1:00:14

If you would like to make a donation to help support my music, here is the link =) http://petergundry.wix.com/petergundrycomposer

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