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516 Views· 04 October 2017

10 Gamers Who Got Caught Cheating and were Humiliated

Deen Doughouz
22,613 Subscribers

Ever since the beginning of video gaming, people have been finding ways to unfairly gain the upper hand by employing various tricks. Sometimes these cheaters manage to get away unpunished, but there are situations when they are caught red handed and shamefully exposed in front of the entire gaming community. Without further ado, here are 10 times that hackers, match-fixers, aimbot-users, and even screen-cheaters got caught and were publicly humiliated for their appalling actions.

Gameplay 4:54 undercoverdudes https://www.youtube.com/watch?....v=7cybL6GA3GM Narra Davide Arbisi
http://www.fraghero.com http:/..../www.facebook.com/fr

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