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Tech 02. How modern technology connects and evolves the world
Tech 02. How modern technology connects and evolves the world tonsamith 45 Views • 2 years ago

#Modern Technology #AI #Camvito168 #TonSamith

Exponential tech advances will change the world faster than we think

We live in a world of exponentially increasing technological advancements. Never in the history of mankind have so many such advancements emerged in parallel and in combination, carrying so much impact.

The phenomena are marked in time: The timing from what once seemed impossible to possible and functional can become extremely short – sometimes measured in just days or weeks. Ever heard the maxim that internet years are like dog years, where one in actual elapsed time equates to seven? Exponential advancement is the reason.

Some exponential advancements are now so predictable, such as the rate of growth of computing power, that companies have baked in the expected advancements in their products. Similarly, it is fairly predictable that full genome sequencing today can be done for a few hundred dollars, as opposed to the thousands required in 2015, the millions in 2006, or the billions for the first full sequence in 2003. The speed of wireless communications will soon multiply by at least 10X, and deep learning will continue to exponentially advance in capability in the near future. And all of this is happening in concert. As a result, it has become harder and harder to develop new companies based on any of these advancements alone.

Article by: Norman Winarsky
Created by: Ton Samith

We created this tutorial for the educational purpose of learning how modern technology evolves the world.

___________ Educational Tutorials _____________

Camvito168 is a WordPress educational tutorial expertise that is dedicated to providing exceptional videos for free.

Visit to learn more about the WordPress technical solutions.

Producer: Ton Samith
Editor: Ton Samith
Channel: Camvito 168
FB Page: Camvito168
Video editor: Movavi Video Editor Plus
Sound/Music: YouTube Library
Thumbnail: Canva Pro
Photo: Freepik Premium

Tech 06. How Is Gold Formed? Origins and Process
Tech 06. How Is Gold Formed? Origins and Process tonsamith 14 Views • 2 years ago

How Is Gold Formed? Origins and Process

Gold is a chemical element easily recognized by its yellow metallic color. It is valuable because of its rarity, resistance to corrosion, electrical conductivity, malleability, ductility, and beauty. If you ask people where gold comes from, most will say you obtain it from a mine, pan for flakes in a stream, or extract it from seawater. However, the true origin of the element predates the formation of the Earth.

Key Takeaways: How Is Gold Formed?
Scientists believe all the gold on Earth formed in supernovae and neutron star collisions that occurred before the solar system formed. In these events, gold formed during the r-process.
Gold sank to the Earth's core during the planet's formation. It's only accessible today because of asteroid bombardment.
Theoretically, it's possible to form gold by the nuclear processes of fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. It's easiest for scientists to transmute gold by bombarding the heavier element mercury and producing gold via decay.
Gold cannot be produced via chemistry or alchemy. Chemical reactions cannot change the number of protons within an atom. The proton number or atomic number defines an element's identity.

Natural Gold Formation
While nuclear fusion within the Sun makes many elements, the Sun cannot synthesize gold. The considerable energy required to make gold only occurs when stars explode in a supernova or when neutron stars collide. Under these extreme conditions, heavy elements form via the rapid neutron-capture process or r-process.

Where Does Gold Occur?
All of the gold found on Earth came from the debris of dead stars. As the Earth formed, heavy elements such as iron and gold sank toward the planet's core. If no other event had occurred, there would be no gold in the Earth's crust. But, around 4 billion years ago, Earth was bombarded by asteroid impacts. These impacts stirred the deeper layers of the planet and forced some gold into the mantle and crust.

Some gold may be found in rock ores. It make occur as flakes, as the pure native element, and with silver in the natural alloy electrum. Erosion frees the gold from other minerals. Since gold is heavy, it sinks and accumulates in stream beds, alluvial deposits, and the ocean.

Earthquakes play an important role, as a shifting fault rapidly decompresses mineral-rich water. When the water vaporizes, veins of quartz and gold deposit onto rock surfaces. A similar process occurs within volcanoes.

How Much Gold Is in the World?
The amount of gold extracted from the Earth is a tiny fraction of its total mass. In 2016, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimated 5,726,000,000 troy ounces or 196,320 U.S. tons had been produced since the dawn of civilization. About 85% of this gold remains in circulation. Because gold is so dense (19.32 grams per cubic centimeter), it does not take up much space for its mass. In fact, if you melted all the gold mined to date, you'd wind up with a cube about 60 feet across!

Nevertheless, gold accounts for a few parts per billion of the mass of the Earth's crust. While it's not economically feasible to extract much gold, there are about 1 million tons of gold in the top kilometer of the Earth's surface. The abundance of gold in the mantle and core is unknown, but it greatly exceeds the amount in the crust.

Synthesizing the Element Gold
Attempts by alchemists to turn lead (or other elements) into gold were unsuccessful because no chemical reaction can change one element into another. Chemical reactions involve a transfer of electrons between elements, which may produce different ions of an element, but the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is what defines its element. All atoms of gold contain 79 protons, so the atomic number of gold is 79.

Making gold isn't as simple as directly adding or subtracting protons from other elements. The most common method of changing one element into another (transmutation) is to add neutrons to another element. Neutrons change the isotope of an element, potentially making the atoms unstable enough to break apart via radioactive decay.

Article by: Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.
Created by: Ton Samith

We created this tutorial for the educational purpose of learning how gold is formed.

___________ Educational Tutorials _____________

Camvito168 is a WordPress educational tutorial expertise that is dedicated to providing exceptional videos for free.

Visit to learn more about the WordPress technical solutions.

Producer: Ton Samith
Editor: Ton Samith
Channel: Camvito 168
FB Page: Camvito168
Video editor: Movavi Video Editor Plus
Sound/Music: YouTube Library
Thumbnail: Canva Pro
Photo: Freepik Premium

Tech 20. History of Steel and its development process
Tech 20. History of Steel and its development process tonsamith 17 Views • 2 years ago

The steel industry has grown from ancient times, when a few men may have operated, periodically, a small furnace producing 10 kilograms, to the modern integrated iron- and steelworks, with annual steel production of about 1 million tons. The largest commercial steelmaking enterprise, Nippon Steel in Japan, was responsible for producing 26 million tons in 1987, and 11 other companies generally distributed throughout the world each had outputs of more than 10 million tons. Excluding the Eastern-bloc countries, for which employment data are not available, some 1.7 million people were employed in 1987 in producing 430 million tons of steel. That is equivalent to about 250 tons of steel per person employed per year—a remarkably efficient use of human endeavour.

Article by: Jack Nutting
Created by: Ton Samith

___________ Educational Tutorials _____________

Camvito168 is a WordPress educational tutorial expertise that is dedicated to providing exceptional videos for free.


Welcome to Camvito 168. I am Samith Ton, the channel owner, who created this channel to share what the technology can connect us to the world.

Technology affects almost every aspect of 21st century life, from transport efficiency and safety, to access to food and healthcare, socialization and productivity. The power of the internet has enabled global communities to form ideas and resources to be shared more easily.

In this channel, videos would be posted every two days at 5:00 AM. It is believed that the technology can enable us to learn and share what matters to the 21st century life. You will learn how the technology can create interactive innovations and modern tools to ease people's communication.

Camvito 168 presents you with the following technology ideas:
1. Web Technology
2. Transportation Technology
3. Natural Rare Material Technology
4. Telecommunication Technology
5. Social Media Technology
6. Computer Technology

Visit to learn more about the WordPress technical solutions.

Producer: Ton Samith
Editor: Ton Samith
Channel: Camvito 168
FB Page: Camvito168
Video editor: Movavi Video Editor Plus
Sound/Music: YouTube Library
Thumbnail: Canva Pro
Photo: Freepik Premium
Voice: Camvito Voice (AI Voice Technology)

Camvito 160 Modernizes AI Voice Technology
Camvito 160 Modernizes AI Voice Technology tonsamith 8 Views • 2 years ago

We created this tutorial for the educational purpose of learning how to use AI Voice Technology to enhance the modern society.

___________ Educational Tutorials _____________

Camvito168 is a WordPress educational tutorial expertise that is dedicated to providing exceptional videos for free.

Visit to learn more about the WordPress technical solutions.

Producer: Ton Samith
Editor: Ton Samith
Channel: Camvito 168
FB Page: Camvito168
Video editor: Movavi Video Editor Plus
Sound/Music: YouTube Library
Thumbnail: Canva Pro
Photo: Freepik Premium

What is a blockchain?
What is a blockchain? tonsamith 10 Views • 2 years ago

What Is a Blockchain?
A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party.

One key difference between a typical database and a blockchain is how the data is structured. A blockchain collects information together in groups, known as blocks, that hold sets of information. Blocks have certain storage capacities and, when filled, are closed and linked to the previously filled block, forming a chain of data known as the blockchain. All new information that follows that freshly added block is compiled into a newly formed block that will then also be added to the chain once filled.

A database usually structures its data into tables, whereas a blockchain, like its name implies, structures its data into chunks (blocks) that are strung together. This data structure inherently makes an irreversible timeline of data when implemented in a decentralized nature. When a block is filled, it is set in stone and becomes a part of this timeline. Each block in the chain is given an exact time stamp when it is added to the chain.

Article by: ADAM HAYES
Created by: Ton Samith

___________ Educational Tutorials _____________

Camvito168 is a WordPress educational tutorial expertise that is dedicated to providing exceptional videos for free.


Welcome to Camvito 168. I am Samith Ton, the channel owner, who created this channel to share what the technology can connect us to the world.

Technology affects almost every aspect of 21st century life, from transport efficiency and safety, to access to food and healthcare, socialization and productivity. The power of the internet has enabled global communities to form ideas and resources to be shared more easily.

In this channel, videos would be posted every two days at 5:00 AM. It is believed that the technology can enable us to learn and share what matters to the 21st century life. You will learn how the technology can create interactive innovations and modern tools to ease people's communication.

Camvito 168 presents you with the following technology ideas:
1. Web Technology
2. Transportation Technology
3. Natural Rare Material Technology
4. Telecommunication Technology
5. Social Media Technology
6. Computer Technology

Visit to learn more about the WordPress technical solutions.

Producer: Ton Samith
Editor: Ton Samith
Channel: Camvito 168
FB Page: Camvito168
Video editor: Movavi Video Editor Plus
Sound/Music: YouTube Library
Thumbnail: Canva Pro
Photo: Freepik Premium
Voice: Camvito Voice (AI Voice Technology)

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