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One Direction - Story of My Life
One Direction - Story of My Life PlayTubeCanalgratis 24 Views • 5 months ago

One Direction – Story Of My Life (Official Video)
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Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
She told me in the morning
She don't feel the same about us in her bones
It seems to me that when I die
These words will be written on my stone
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holdin' on too tight
With nothing in between
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of, the story of)
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Written on these walls are
The colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open
But it stays right here in its cage
I know that in the morning now
I see us in the light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I've been holdin' on so tight
With nothing in between
The story of my life, I'll take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
And I've been waiting for this time to come around
But, baby, running after you is like chasing the clouds
The story of my life
I take her home
I drive all night
To keep her warm and time
Is frozen
The story of my life, I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love until she's broken inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life

#onedirection #storyofmylife #10yearsof1d #onedirectionofficial #1d #onedirectionstoryofmylife #onedirectionofficialvideo #storyofmylifeofficialvideo

"Terpila" yoki xalq qahramoni? — ACTIVIST | SUBYEKTIV
"Terpila" yoki xalq qahramoni? — ACTIVIST | SUBYEKTIV Murodillo 24 Views • 17 days ago

Ushbu ko‘rsatuv quyidagi hamkorlarimizsiz imkonsiz bo‘lar edi:
🎁 Texnomart — Yaxshilikka buyursin!
🏢 Oxygen Development — Baxtli hayot kaliti!

Bosh homiy: internet nashri
▪️ Texnik Hamkor: UPG 👉
▪️ Reklama 👉 +99890 044-66-81
▪️ Aloqa 👉

Sifatli kontent yaratishga hissa qo‘shing:
▪️ VISA, MasterCard, СБЕРБАНК, Webmoney, QIWI 👉
▪️ UZCARD: 8600 5704 3846 2441 (Ziyoxonov Jamshidxon)

00:00 – tizer
03:23 – “Activist” Texnomartda!
05:00 – Xojiakbar bolaligi haqida
07:04 – “Ko‘cha bolasi bo‘lganman” - Xojiakbar
08:22 – “Onamni shu gaplaridan so‘ng ko‘chaga chiqib ketganman” – Xojiakbar
10:13 – LC Waikiki do‘koniga ishlagani haqida
13:10 – Do‘konda ishda qolish yoki ketish? “Activist” nimadan boshlangani haqida
15:15 – Uy harid qilishda nimalarga eʼtibor berish kerak?
16:36 – Activist loyihasiga qancha pul tikildi?
17:52 – Aksariyat do‘konlar tovarlarni qayerdan oladi?
18:42 – Carrefourga reyd. Reydda necha kishi qatnashishi va jarayon
20:21 – Bu loyihadan daromad qilish haqida o‘ylaganmisiz?
21:38 – Donat va reklama haqida
24:25 – Yiliga $300.000 lik taklifga nega “Yo‘q” deyildi?
25:47 – Takliflar ko‘payishi mumkin, “Ha” deyish ehtimoli bormi?
26:28 – Haqqingizni talab qilishni qachondan boshlagansiz?
27:59 – Birinchi marta kamera ko‘tarib borgan do‘koningizni eslolasizmi?
28:11 – “Kamolaxon” do‘koniga qilingan reyddan parcha
28:35 – Nega aynan birinchi bo‘lib “Kamolaxon” do‘koniga borgansiz?
29:11 – Xojiakbar (activist) qonunlarni yaxshi biladimi ёки...?
30:27 – O‘zbekistonda konstitutsiya necha foizga ishlaydi?
30:49 – Qanday vaziyatlarda video chiqishi va chiqmasligi haqida
31:25 – Do‘kon egasi: Bemalol tekshir, lekin videoga olmaysan desa nima qilasiz?
32:33 – Baʼzi bir ichki ishlar xodimlari haqida
33:40 – IIB xodimlarini huquqiy bilimlariga necha baho qo‘ygan bo‘lar edingiz?
34:45 – RUVD, GUVDlarda baʼzi bir IIB xodimlarining muomalasi haqida
37:22 – Onangiz bu faoliyatingizga qanday fikrdalar?
38:49 – Qarindosh yoki tanishlaringizda do‘kon bormi?
38:54 – Konstitutsiyada belgilangan barcha huquqlarimizni talab qila olamizmi?
39:26 – Xalqimiz o‘z huquqlarini talab qilishga qo‘rqadimi yoki bilmaydimi?
40:17 – Sifatsiz va muddati o‘tgan tovar. Farqi nimada?
41:09 – Eng ko‘p uchrayotgan sifatsiz mahsulotlar haqida
43:16 – “3-4 ta telejkada muddati o‘tgan mahsulotlar chiqdi” – Xojiakbar
43:58 – “Chekni yo‘qotgan bo‘lsa ham tovarni “возврат” qilsa bo‘ladi” – Xojiakbar
45:20 – Ishkallar kamayib, “просмотр”laringiz tushib ketsa nima qilasiz?
48:28 – Bir oy oldin chiqqan videodagi ishkal nima bilan tugadi?
49:57 – Agar do‘kon egalari suvdan quruq chiqsa, nima qilasiz?
50:39 – Kimdir sizni kuzatib, poylab yurgandek tuyulmaydimi? 
52:07 – Gapda tahdid qilishardi, hozir urishgacha borishyapti. Qo‘rqmaysizmi?
52:40 – Milliy bog‘dagi vaziyatda, hamkasbingiz tomonidan provokatsiya bo‘lgandek tuyulmaganmi?
53:46 -  Qaysidir so‘zni noto‘g‘ri ishlatib yuborgan paytlaringiz bo‘lganmi kimgadir nisbatan?
55:02 – Samarqand darvozada 2 ta video tayyorlangan, ammo kanalda faqat bittasi bor. Nimaga?
56:06 – Carrefour‘da yurist bilan bo‘lgan vaziyatni batafsilroq gapirib bera olasizmi?
59:24 – Belarusda sizdek faoliyat yuritadigan insonni qamab qo‘yishgan. Bunga fikringiz qanaqa?
01:00:04 – O‘zbekistonda qonun ustuvormi?
01:00:57 – Qachon SES yaxshi ishlashni boshlaydi?
01:01:47 – O‘zbekistondagi eng og‘riqli 3 ta muammo
01:04:48 – Kuzatuvchilar va video ostidagi izohlar haqida
01:06:13 – Viloyatlarda ham Activist volontyorlar guruhini ochish fikri kelganmi?
01:07:25 – Activist effekti qanaqa bo‘ldi?
01:08:02 – Korzinkada videodan keyin nimalar o‘zgargani haqida (jarayon)
01:09:02 – Korzinka rahbari Zafar Hoshimov bilan bo‘lgan suhbati haqida
01:09:50 – Oddiy haridor sifatida borganingizda qanaqa reaksiya bo‘ladi?
01:10:35 – Sizga Davlat ishida lavozim taklif qilishsa, rozi bo‘lasizmi?
01:11:46 – Davlat ishida ishlash haqida (Subyektiv fikr)
01:12:45 – Sizni qadriyatingiz nimadan iborat?
01:13:33 – Televizor ko‘rasizmi?
01:13:38 – Televideniye saviyasi haqida fikringiz qanaqa?
01:14:54 – Yo‘llarda qoidabuzarlarni rasmga olayotganlar “terpila”mi?
01:16:23 – Nimaga donatni qayta ochmaysiz?
01:16:57 – Xayriya videodan parcha
01:19:05 – Qanday qilib odamlarimizni huquqiy ongini oshirishimiz mumkin?
01:20:12 – “Ona sizni judayam yaxshi ko‘raman” – Xojiakbar
01:22:22 – “Maksimalno ramkada bo‘lishga harakat qildim” – Xojiakbar
01:22:52 – Qachon aktivist sifatida missiyam bajarildi deb ayta olasiz?

▪️ Jamshidxon Ziyoxonov:
▪️ Muhammadjon G‘aniyev:
▪️ Baxtishod Muxiddinov:
▪️ Abdullajon Yusupov:
▪️ Bekmirza Rashidov:

Ab 15 Auto fahren ohne Auto-Führerschein: Wie günstig, praktisch und sicher sind Mopedautos?
Ab 15 Auto fahren ohne Auto-Führerschein: Wie günstig, praktisch und sicher sind Mopedautos? domii 34 Views • 11 months ago

Auto fahren schon mit 15 Jahren und ohne Auto-Führerschein. Mopedautos, die bis zu 45 kmh fahren, versprechen viele Vorteile: Als Führerschein brauchts nur den Moped-Führerschein der Klasse AM und laut Werbung solls die Mini-Autos schon ab rund 30 Euro pro Monat zum Leasen geben. Klingt verlockend, vor allem für junge Leute auf dem Land, wo Bus und Bahn sehr selten fahren. Aber sind die Mini-Autos für sie wirklich eine Lösung? Sind sie wirklich so preiswert? Und wie sicher sind die - sehr günstig produzierten - Leichtfahrzeuge?

Nadine Hadad testet ein Mopedauto in der Stadt und auf dem Land – gemeinsam mit PULS Reportage-Fan Jonas (17). Vollbremsung, scharfe Kurven und schnelle Lenkmanöver: Wie sicher solche Mopedautos fahren, testet Nadine mit beim Sicherheitstest mit Testingenieur Christoph Pauly auf dem ADAC-Testgelände.

#pulsreportage #auto #Führerschein

Die wichtigsten Quellen findet ihr hier:

➡ Stellantis | Opel Rocks-e Pressemappe, Nov. 2021

➡ Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt | The Potential of Light Electric Vehicles for Climate Protection through Substitution for Passenger Car Trips - Germany as a Case Study, Mascha Brost u.a., 2022

➡ Bundesministerium der Justiz | Straßenverkehrsordnung, §18



00:00 Mit 15 Auto fahren – so geht´s!
01:13 Das Mopedauto – Die Fakten🚗
02:55 Die erste Fahrt in der City
05:00 Parkplatzsuche mit dem Mini-Auto
07:15 Mit 45kmh aufs Land! Verkehrshindernis? 🚗🚗
09:07 Das E-Auto ist leer!⛽ Verspätung?
10:58 Wie sicher💥ist das Mini-Auto? ADAC-Test
13:30 Weite Wege auf dem Land: Macht das Auto mit?
14:23 Besser als Schulbus? Jonas (17) testet es!
16:42 Ab ins Kino – Alternative zu Bus & Eltern?
20:20 Preis – Was kostet das Leichtfahrzeug? 🤑
21:20 🆘Kippt das Auto in der Kurve?
22:39 Nadines Fazit


Redaktion: Robin Köhler, Matthias Dachtler, Anne Brier, Sonja Röbig
Kamera: Gregor Simbruner, Moritz Kipphardt
Schnitt: Julian Mydla
Grafik: Felix Holderer, Lukas Brenninger, Daniel Egger
Community Management: Gesa Temmen

♫ Alle Songs aus dieser PULS Reportage:

MadMan & Gemitaiz – Bando
Kid Karate – Oh No
Ludwig Göransson – 747 (Tenet Soundtrack)
The Glitch Mob – Animus Vox
Demi Lovato – Confident
Seeed – Schüttel deinen Speck
Daddy Yankee – Lovumba
Skull Sized Kingdoms – Crastination
Jaime – Lemonade Bullet
Her Tree – Surrender
LCD Soundsystem – Us V. Theme
Jeff Cardoni – Pimp My Ride (Official Theme)
Charli XCX – Break The Rules
Felix Da Housecat – Rocket Ride
Skull Sized Kingdoms – While I Sleep
Her Tree – 123
Skull Sized Kingdoms – Cushion
Spiderbait – Black Betty
Calvin Stone ft. Michael Dreilich – Pressure
Shiho Fuiji & Atsuko Asahi & Ryo Nagamatsu & Yasuaki Iwata – Rainbow Road (N64)
Sia – Hey Boy
The Glitch Mob – Fortune Days
The Glitch Mob - Derezzed (Tron Legacy Soundtrack)
Jaime – Ghost
Daddy Yankee ft. Myke Towers – Gasolina
Blushy AM – Fall Over
Her Tree – Don't Try, Be Beautiful
T-Pain – Buy U A Drank
Surv – Clarity
Yunus – Todessüß
Umme Block – Blue Hour
Lunchmoney Lewis – Bills
Victoryaz – Forget Me
Imagine Dragons – Thunder
Michael Giacchi – The Detective Theme (The Batman Soundtrack)
Fluke – Switch Twitch
Alice in Chains – Would?
Christina Milian – When You Look At Me (Radio Edit)


Wir sind Ariane Alter, Nadine Hadad und Sebastian Meinberg von PULS Reportage. Wir wollen die wichtigsten, spannendsten und verrücktesten Fragen unserer Generation beantworten. Wir sind mutig. Wir sind neugierig. Wir gehen an Grenzen. Und am wichtigsten: Wir reden nicht nur drüber, wir probieren es aus. Für euch!

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