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Jaymes Young - Happiest Year [Official Music Video]
Jaymes Young - Happiest Year [Official Music Video] ptube4k 113 Views • 3 years ago

In the spirit of honesty, I have to admit that "Happiest Year" has always been a deceiving title. That might seem obvious upon listening to the song, but I haven’t been very open about why it's deceiving.

The writing and recording began amidst one of the darkest places of my life, in 2018. I was completely in hell. I was lost in deep loneliness, depression, and a sense of regret that I had never experienced before. Time was standing still, and the world was moving by without me, day after day. It was such a disorientating labyrinth of emotions for me, and I was completely turned inside out over the pain I was dealing with. I wasn’t eating, sleeping, or taking care of myself. I was exhausted in every way, and mentally so foggy. I isolated myself from everyone for months. It probably wasn’t more than 10 days after I started writing and recording the song that I drove myself to the hospital seeking professional help.
"Happiest Year" is really about the first year of a relationship, before things went sour. I had family and close longtime friends visit me during that first year, who later expressed concerns over my state of bliss. I don’t think I really wanted to see it, because I was too happy in the moment to consider the possibility that I was perhaps embracing a fairy tale with an uncertain ending.

So, it’s actually a pretty backhanded thing for me to say “thank you” like I do in the chorus of the song, because really I’m saying “at least you gave me that first year” haha. There’s both spite and gratitude in that phrase.

Now, in the last year I’ve realized the song has meant something much less petty for those who’ve been listening. I feel humbled by, and I started to embrace that idea even on tour last year. When I was singing it, it started to mean something different, something less burdensome, and something less attached to that dark period in 2018 when nothing in my life seemed to be okay.

In the end, I guess it’s a little strange for me to be releasing a music video for "Happiest Year," but I’m glad for it. I’m so pleased to have created a story with the director, my friend Erik Rojas. This is my favorite video I’ve made so far and I hope the message (albeit dark at face value) is received as a lesson in appreciation for what is given to us, no matter what the circumstance. Lessons about life, and happy times in general, are not always packaged neatly in a box that you get to conveniently open and close when you want.

This description is so much closer to what I originally tried to urge the song was about, and I have to thank my community of fans for reminding me of the bigger picture.

I was practically writhing in pain when this song was written, so it’s quite liberating to see some good coming out of it. Somehow it's come full circle in this music video, which I’m now happy to share with everyone. Thanks for all your continued support, and I hope the song and video can be a form of expression that helps people release some negative energy during the world’s current state of anxiety.

I’m really on the ropes this time
I’ve been fighting all my life for you
I never should’ve said goodbye
Maybe that’s what stupid people do

Cuz you gave me peace and I wasted it
I’m here to admit that you were my medicine
Oh I couldn’t quit and I’m down on my knees again
Asking for nothing

Thank you for the happiest year of my life
Thank you for the happiest year of my life

Don’t think I could forgive my self
I’m sorry for the ways that I used you
And I could care less right now but you know you hurt me pretty good too
Yeah we made each other bleed and we tasted it

I’m here to admit that you were my medicine
Oh love I couldn’t quit and I’m down on my knees again

Thank you for the happiest year of my life
Thank you for the happiest year of my life

So wake me up when they build that time machine
I want to go back
Wake me up when you were sleeping next to me
Cuz I really loved you

Thank you for the happiest year of my life
Thank you for the happiest year of my life
Thank you for the happiest year of my life
Thank you for the happiest year of my life
Thank you for the happiest year of my life

Directed by: Erik Rojas
Cinematography by: Mike Koziel
Produced by: Jon Brewer
First AC: Cole Brewer
Gaffer: Cody J. Cool
Stylist: Ramee Randall
Makeup: Victoria Payne
Hair: Jose Lopez
Editor: Erik Rojas
Colorist: Kinan Chabani

Girl: M.J. Garcia
Elder Jaymes: J.D. Carpenter

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Jaymes Young - Happiest Year [Official Music Video]
#JaymesYoung #HappiestYear #OfficialMusicVideo

S02E06 Mr. und Mrs. Reese
S02E06 Mr. und Mrs. Reese Silvio 18 Views • 5 months ago

⁣Die Maschine hat eine neue Nummer ausgespuckt: Sie gehört zu Graham Wyler, einem Familienvater, der mit Frau und Tochter in einem kleinen Vorort auf Long Island wohnt. Reese heftet sich an seine Fersen und bezieht gemeinsam mit seiner „Ehefrau“ Zoe das Nachbarhaus der Wylers. Auf den ersten Blick scheint Graham der langweiligste Mann zu sein, den Reese je beschattet hat. Wer sollte also jemanden wie ihn umbringen wollen? Der zweite Blick verrät jedoch, dass Graham offenbar nicht der ist, für den er sich ausgibt: Bei seinen Recherchen stößt Finch auf eine Todesanzeige von Graham Wyler aus dem Jahr 1997. Der Mann, den sie beschatten, hat also dessen Identität angenommen und lebt bereits seit 15 Jahren unter falschem Namen.
Aber wer versteckt sich in Wirklichkeit hinter dem vermeintlichen Graham Wyler? Reese gelingt es, einen Fingerabdruck zu bekommen und schickt in Detective Carter – und tatsächlich: Es handelt sich um Lloyd Pruitt, einen gesuchten Profidieb, der wegen zahlreicher Raubüberfälle gesucht wird Allerdings ist Lloyd vor Jahren ausgestiegen, als bei seinem letzten Coup seine Mittäter, Chris Vaughn und Daniel Burnside, geschnappt und zu zwölf Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt wurden. Lloyd kam damals davon, doch seine Vergangenheit scheint ihn jetzt einzuholen. Er bekommt unerwartet Besuch von Vaughn und Burnside, die ihn erpressen, bei ihrem nächsten Überfall dabei zu sein, um den Tresor zu knacken. Ansonsten drohen sie, Lloyds Tochter umzubringen.

Demon Lord
Demon Lord ita_exe 90 Views • 5 years ago

Hola friends. Hope that you like it)

◆ Manga: Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!

◆ Thanks for the support:

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◆Artist of Jahy :

◆Buy the manga "Jahy sama ha kujikenai!"

◆Music by Scott Rill:
Song name : Scott Rill - I Don't Know Why
Direct Link :

◆Follow Scott Ril:

◆Used programs:
-Blender 2.81
-After Effects 2020
-Photoshop 2019
-Premiere Pro 2020


Batman saves girl and meets Catwoman | Batman Returns (4k Remastered)
Batman saves girl and meets Catwoman | Batman Returns (4k Remastered) Vishal_yadav 55 Views • 5 years ago

Batman Returns (1992) 4k Remastered
Scene: Batman saves girl and meets Catwoman

Storyline: When a corrupt businessman and the grotesque Penguin plot to take control of Gotham City, only Batman can stop them, while the Catwoman has her own agenda.

Director: Tim Burton
Cast: Michael Keaton (Batman / Bruce Wayne), Danny DeVito (Penguin / Oswald Cobblepot), Michelle Pfeiffer (Catwoman / Selina Kyle), Christopher Walken (Max Shreck), Michael Gough (Alfred Pennyworth), Pat Hingle (Commissioner James Gordon)


#BatmanDay #Batman80 #LongLiveTheBat #Batman #BatmanDay2019


If you like 'DC Comics' - welcome! "come together, right now!"

Robb & Nikki Friedman Real Estate Agents Calabasas CA
Robb & Nikki Friedman Real Estate Agents Calabasas CA Robb & Nikki Friedman Real Estate Agent 20 Views • 4 years ago

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