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Tom Odell - Another Love (Official Video)
Tom Odell - Another Love (Official Video) wersdasd 198 Просмотры • 1 год тому назад

Tom Odell - Another Love (Official Video)
"Black Friday" out now 🖤 -

Live tickets - www.tomodell.com/live

Follow Tom Odell:
Official website - https://tomodell.com
Store - https://tom-odell-uk.myshopify.com
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@tompeterodell
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tompeterodell
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TomOdellmusic
YouTube: https://tomodell.lnk.to/YouTube

#tomodell #songsfromanotherlove #tiktok #anotherlovetiktok #tiktokanotherlove #tomodelltiktok #tomodellofficial #anotherloveofficial4kvideo #tomodellofficialvideo #tomodellofficial4kvideo #tomodellbestof #tomodellessentials #bestdayofmylife #jubileeroad #remastered lyrics

I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
But it's so cold and I don't know where
I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring

And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
I'm just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love
But all my tears have been used up

On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up

Oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh

And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight
But my hand's been broken, one too many times
So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude
Words they always win, but I know I'll lose

And I'd sing a song, that'd be just ours
But I sang 'em all to another heart
And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love
But all my tears have been used up

On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up

Oh oh
I wanna sing a song, that'd be just ours
But I sang 'em all to another heart
And I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love
But all my tears have been used up

On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up oh oh, oh

Invisible Mini Hearing Aid - Advanced Hearing
Invisible Mini Hearing Aid - Advanced Hearing MD.OMAR FARUK 5 Просмотры • 2 месяцы тому назад

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Advanced Hearing Center
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(Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Brac Bank Building),
Shantinagar Chowrasta, Dhaka - 1217 Bangladesh

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Seba Diagnostic (1st Floor)
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C & B Road, Narsingdi-1600

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Mail: info@advancedhearingbd.com, | advancedhearingbd@gmail.com
Enjoy & stay connected with us:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/AHearingbd
Facebook : www.fb.com/AdvancedHearingbd
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/AdvancedHearing
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YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgAnLDgsoN7dd2D0nm-6wCg

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మిల్లెట్స్ తింటే వ్యాధులు తగ్గుతాయా|Millets Diet|Manthena Satyanarayana raju|Health Mantra suhana 42 Просмотры • 5 лет тому назад

మిల్లెట్స్ తింటే వ్యాధులు తగ్గుతాయా|Millets Diet|Manthena Satyanarayana raju|Health Mantra

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GetMovers Moving Company in North York ON
GetMovers Moving Company in North York ON getmovers northyork 19 Просмотры • 4 лет тому назад

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